SNSD's Jessica Predicted That Jung Hyung Don will Become Father of Twins

Girls’ Generation Jessica's prediction is receiving a lot of attention.

Recently, a post titled "SNSD Jessica's prophesy of Jung Hyung Don's twins", along with a set of photos.

These photos are captures from a broadcast that aired on May of 2010. On this day, the members of the show talked about the topic of "The most beautiful wait in life", on birth of children.

At the time, Jung Hyung Don had been married for 8 months. When the topic of his children came up, Jessica told him "You will soon have twins, twins". To this, Jung Hyung Don had answered "I will try my best.” Now, he is officially a father of twins.

Internet users who saw the post commented "This is crazy", "He must be so happy", and "Jessica would be happy to find out.”

Photo: Online Community

Girls Generation
Jung Hyung Don
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