K-Pop Crossover: Edward Snowden And Quentin Tarantino Lead Our List Of The 5 Most High Level Leaks In The History Of The Internet (VIDEO)

On Thursday, executives at the South Korean record label SM Entertainment announced they would be pursuing legal action against the person or persons responsible for leaking the upcoming single "Overdose" by the K-pop boy band Exo, a group on the label's roster.

But as long as file-sharing existed it has been a source of major headaches for movie studios and record labels alike. Here are our picks for the top five most major leaks in the history of the web.

5. Prince's "The Black Album"

Before the internet made file-sharing leaks common, leaked music was called bootlegs. Prince was set to release his sexy hip hop rock hybrid album "The Black Album" in 1987. A week it's official release, bootleggers got their hands on some promotional versions of the album. Hundreds of thousands of copies were sold. I bought one. "The Black Album" was officially released in 1994.

According to Rolling Stone Bob Dylan's Great White Wonder was the first commercially available bootleg. Dylan has been bootlegged more than any other artist.

4. Jack White "Icky Thump"

Jack White is known for bouts of temper when it comes to his music, but few got it as bad as Chicago Q101's DJ Electra when she played an advance copy of The White Stripes' album 'Icky Thump' on air ahead of its official release in 2007. Electra said White called the station to "yell at me" and she felt like "going to throw up." Electra later recalled "Jack asked me to take responsibility for leaking the record, and asked if I was sorry for what I'd done... We tried to explain where we were coming from - someone gave us a copy of a record that we were really excited to play, and the whole experience was an hour-long love-fest for him and his band - but he wasn't having it. He hung up, very, very angry, and I thought I was going to cry."

3. "Snakes on a Plane"

Snakes on a Plane probably wouldn't have been made if the concept hadn't been leaked online. The film certainly wouldn't have been the film it became. After word leaked out there was an actual film called "Snakes on a Plane," it got more internet buzz than a leaked naked selfie. The director shot additional footage to make the film strike from PG-13 to an R rating. The Samuel Jackson's signature line "I want these mother**king snakes off the mother**king plane" was added after impassioned pleas from internet fans.

2. Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight"

After Quentin Tarantino learned that his script "The Hateful Eight" was leaked after he gave it to a small circle of actors, he dropped all plans to make it. At the time, Tarantino said "I'm very, very depressed. I finished a script, a first draft, and I didn't mean to shoot it until next winter, a year from now. I gave it to six people, and apparently it's gotten out today. ... That's a betrayal, but not crippling because the agent didn't end up with the script. There is an ugly maliciousness to the rest of it. I gave it to three actors: Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, Tim Roth. The one I know didn't do this is Tim Roth. One of the others let their agent read it, and that agent has now passed it on to everyone in Hollywood. I don't know how these fucking agents work, but I'm not making this next. I'm going to publish it, and that's it for now. I give it out to six people, and if I can't trust them to that degree, then I have no desire to make it. I'll publish it. I'm done. I'll move on to the next thing. I've got 10 more where that came from." Actors rep company CAA vehemently denied they could have been the source and said Tarantino possibly dispersed the script himself.

1. Edward Snowden NSA Leaks

Whistleblower Edward Snowden is responsible for the biggest leak in modern history. When the Pentagon Papers were leaked by the New York Times, President Nixon sicced the White House Plumbers on Daniel Ellsberg, who was charged with conspiracy, espionage and theft of government property. When Edward Snowden made NSA files available to the public, he lammed it to Russia. Snowden quit his job at the National Security Agency after claiming he could not stand by and watch the civil liberties of Americans get trampled on. We don't know exactly how many documents Snowden leaked but government estimates say he leaked 15,000 or more Australian intelligence files, 58,000 British intelligence files and roughly 1.7 million U.S. intelligence files. Snowden is still in Russia. He was proposed to by sexy Russian spy Anna Chapman. 

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internet leaks
Quentin Tarantino
edward snowden
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