The Best Shiny Pokemon Classification, Plus X And Y Anime Episode 22: Watch Online!

As fans continue to watch the Pokemon X and Y anime, a recent episode has once again ignited the interest in shiny Pokemon.

Pokemon X and Y anime episode 22 is about Ash arriving in Ambrette Town, where he decides to hunt for a special shiny Magikarp. This is the first shiny Pokemon to be featured in the X and Y generation of the anime.

Thank to Poke HD on YouTube, you can now watch episode 22 on online now:

By the way, have you seen the Mega Evolution special yet? If not, definitely check it out from last week.

But speaking of shiny Pokemon, it's become a very popular topic in Pokemon X and Y. And as much as there are hundreds of shiny Pokemon, some fans believe there are really only four groups.

Check out the photo above to see what they are.

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