Project Ara Modular Phone Development On Full Swing As Google Releases Info Materials To Partner Developers, Smartphone To Come In 3 Different Sizes

Project Ara modular phone: Since Phonebloks became a cool concept back in September last year, a lot of people have been secretly wishing that it would arrive in stores one day. Only half a year after, and it looks like the modular phone will indeed come into fruition and could be launched a few months from now. 

Motorola may have left the building (literally), but Google has decided to keep Project Ara in order to begin a new age of smartphone technology. And the billion dollar company is already working with developers who would provide components for the device. 

According to a report by GSM Arena, Google has recently released the Project Ara Modular Developers Kit or MDK. As the name simply states, this 'kit' will help developers come up with component designs and dimensions which are consistent to the base model of the modular phone. 

The documentation also shows that there would be three types of modular phone 'skeletons' or bases where all the components would fit in place. 

Naturally, the bigger base models would be able to accommodate more components and become a better device overal compared to the other two. 

It would be interesting to think you would be able to swap your components whenever a higher version comes out. And because all of these are made to fit just one body, people who own the phone do not need to buy the $50 base model over again. 

In addition to Ara skeleton sizes, the document also tells us that consumers may opt for different skeleton setups, such as one that can handle a QWERTY keypad, an all numeric keypad, or a touch-screen only front panel. 

This all means that even with the modular concept in mind, the Ara smartphone would still have different looks and variations for different people and personal preferences. 

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