Easter 2014 Falls On The Same Date Of Annual Marijuana Holiday 420; Pastors To Conduct Pot-Themed Church Activities As Cross-Shaped Joints And Pot-Filled Eggs Tutorials Go Viral

Several jokes are continuously being made about how the Easter 2014 shares the same date with the annual marijuana holiday also known as 420. Smokers of the pot have been celebrating the holiday for several years now by lighting up.

Apart from jokes, tutorials on cross-shaped joints, pot filled-eggs, and other church related things crafted from weed have surfaced. For this reason, pastors at the Highland Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, California decided to use the annual marijuana holiday as a way to attract church attendees.

One church came up with an Easter series called "Medicated" which urges people to feel satisfaction by getting close to God and not to drugs. The promotional materials of the series use an image of marijuana cross.

According to Pastor Justice Coleman, they wanted to make a program that "wouldn't celebrate smoking weed, but would celebrate the idea that there's so much more to life."

Apart from the attention-grabbing image of a green cross, the series' tagline didn't fail to be catchy: "Celebrate 4/20 with us because you can't get any higher than risen."

On the other hand, the Church Triumphant Global in Jackson, Mississippi will be having an anti-pot concert right after the Easter service. At 4:20 p.m., the same time when celebrants of the annual marijuana holiday will light up, the church will be conducting a "no weed" pledge.

"Not only should the church be culturally aware, but the church also takes full advantage of what is happening in that moment and seizing that moment. The reason why Jesus was so popular - and he was a superstar - is because he knew how to take advantage of events that were already happening," said Pastor Tonya Ware.

While others continue to make fun of the coincidence, others feel that Easter 2014 is being disrespected. On the Internet, images of bunnies consuming marijuana leaves and even a photo of Jesus holding weed likewise surfaced.

Even sellers of medical marijuana have their own way of celebrating Easter and 4/20. Some stores in California have started selling plastic Easter eggs that came with chocolate truffles laced with pot.

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Easter 2014
Marijuana holiday
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