In Preparation For The New Amazing Spiderman 2 Movie, Here Are 5 Amazing People Who Are Trying To Be The Web Slinging Superhero

The New Amazing Spiderman 2 Movie is right around the corner and is ready to hit the screens particularly on May 2, 2014.

This will be the sequel of the new rendition of the first Spiderman franchise starred by Tobey Maguire.

Andrew Garfield stars the new rendition as Spiderman and Peter Parker with the help of Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy.

In relation to the film, we have gathered five interesting videos showing you interesting people doing things in their simple ways on how did they become their very own Amazing Spiderman.

1. Here’s one guy becoming Spiderman by creating his own web shooter that not only shoots web to attack things but also has an added grab and pull feature to pull things from a far and bring it close to you:


2. The Amazing Spiderman movie would show how a man could climb a wall particularly a pillar and go to the top as if he is grabbing on easily to the wall. This invention, on the other hand shows how he becomes the Spiderman in his own way.

Reportedly, Engineering students at Cornell University in New York have created palm-sized devices that when worn could hold a person’s weight and stick on glass, wood and even brick.

The devices created are gloves and boots with suction on the surface to stick on to another surface from climbing.

3. In a same fashion, researches from Stanford in 2006 created sticky like gloves, that of a gecko, which has synthetic satae, the tiny and sticky hair like of the said lizard on a robot to have it climb a flat surface. The only problem faced with these is that robots couldn’t climb a surface if it was slippery.

4. You could see Spiderman walk on thin lines and metals and never lose balance with his special abilities just like a spider walking on a stick. This woman, however, could do almost all of that more importantly do it with her arms.

5. Spider sense is all about the reaction of Spiderman to something either coming his way or something that feels is wrong. In this video, a Spider sense suit has said to be built to have microphones scattered all over the suit that would detect ultrasonic signals that would give signals if someone would be moving closer to you.

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