Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date Trailer For Xbox One, PS4? Tetsuya Nomura Reveals Content Wishes

Square Enix official Tetsuya Nomura revealed during the Japan Expo last week that he wants to see content from the universes of Star Wars and Marvel in the new game-his comments left many speculating that a trailer could be on its way, the Epoch Times reports.

Sony Computer Entertainment has sold off all of their stock in Square Enix, earning $47 million, leaving many gamers wondering if the added revenue will bring improvements to Kingdom Hearts 3's release date version. reports that Square Enix games can appear on other platforms aside from the Playstation brand of systems.

YouTube user ItsAfterFraG has developed a mockup concept menu for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3, which has gained a lot of views on the site.

Could Square Enix possibly incorporate some elements of the design for their game's release date version?

Square Enix official Yosuke Matsuda suggested that Kingdom Hearts 3 may be shown off again at E3 2014, a  piece published by The Bit Bag reports, bringing some hope to gamers looking for a release date announcement confirmation.

Matsuda also mentioned that he is confident about the game's expected success as it reaches next-generation consoles Xbox One and Playstation 4.

Microsoft official Phil Spencer addressed issues involved with the Xbox One's Kinect, but mentioned that fans may be more interested in "great games," Forbes reports.

Could Kingdom Hearts 3's highly anticipated release date save the next-generation console's spec letdown?

"Right now, [dropping Kinect is] not the number one request from people. Usually it's, 'Where are the great games?' Spencer said, according to the site.

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