Lindsay Lohan Miscarriage Is A Total Lie! [WATCH LYING VIDEO] Oprah Winfrey Documentary On OWN Shows Lilo Will Say Anything To Get Her Out Of Trouble And Become A Working Actress

Lindsay Lohan miscarriage?! Lindsay reveals Lovers list was actually legit and that she has a miscarriage while shooting the OWN Lindsay documentary. But as an avid Lindsay Lohan docu-series watcher and a follower of her career, I have seen Lindsay lie more than any other celebrity in Hollywood. I've heard Lindsay swear she never did cocaine, promise she wasn't drinking and tell shoot down countless rumors that came out to be true. So why would I believe Lindsay Lohan had a miscarriage?

Lindsay Lohan is not a pathological liar. Lilo doesn't just lie for the sake of lying. She lies in order to get herself out of trouble; in order to look good. And Lindsay saying she had a miscarriage is the perfect cover-up to her disgusting behavior. Lindsay was late to shoots and missed two weeks of scheduled film dates. Of course Lohan wants to get out of this one. Nobody will take Lindsay serious with this behavior! And Lindsay desperately wants to get back to acting. The miscarriage is the perfect excuse!

Well the miscarriage is not exactly a perfect lie. Here are the problems with Lindsay and her elaborate scheme. 1) If Lindsay wants the tabloids off her back, the miscarriage is not the way to go. The miscarriage brings out so many more questions. Who's the father? Did it occur in rehab? She admitted to drinking and smokes throughout the whole series, so did Lindsay know she was pregnant at the time? 2) If she's lying, we can easily find out! There are people surrounding Lindsay that would know, and people are not afraid give up Lohan.

As for the list of lovers, the actress admitted it was real and said that the list was part of her rehab recovery. The list is totally insane and filled with so many celebs.

SO after the list, the miscarriage and weeks of watching the documentary, I can only come to one conclusion. Lindsay Lohan is a promiscuous, bratty, self-centered little girl that treats others poorly.

Do you think Lindsay is telling the truth about her miscarriage?

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