Jodie Foster Married: Jodie Foster Marries Photographer Alexandra Hedison

Jodie Foster married: Jodie Foster married her girlfriend Alexandra Hedison over the weekend.  Jodi Foster and Hedison had been dating for almost a year.  Hedison, who is a photographer and an actress is ex-girlfriend of Ellen DeGeneres.

E! was the first to report that Foster tied the knot with Hedison, a 44-year-old photographer based in Los Angeles.

Jodi Foster and Hedison began dating in October 2013. Alexandra dated Ellen DeGeneres for about three years before things ended in 2004.

Jodie officially came out to Hollywood at last year's Golden Globes, saying "I'm here being all confessional, and I guess I have a sudden urge to say something I've never really been able to air in public, a declaration that I'm a little nervous about but maybe not quite as nervous as my publicist right now - hi Jennifer - but I'm just going to put it out there, right, loud and proud. I'm going to need your support on this. I am, uh, single. Yes, I am. I am single. No, I'm kidding. I mean, I'm not really kidding, but I'm kind of kidding. I mean, thank you for the enthusiasm. Can I get a wolf whistle or something? I hope that you're not disappointed that there won't be a big coming out speech tonight because I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago back in the stone age, those very quaint days when a fragile young girl would open up to trusted friends and family and co-workers and then gradually, proudly, to everyone who knew her, to everyone she actually met. But now apparently, I'm told that every celebrity is expected to honor the details of their private life with  a press conference, a fragrance, and a prime-time reality show. And you guys might be surprised, but I am not Honey Boo Boo Child."

In that speech, Foster thanked her former partner Cydney Bernard, with whom she has two sons. (Foster and Bernard split after more than a decade together in 2008.

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