‘Avengers' Cast Rumors: Vin Diesel Is Thanos? 'Fast And Furious' Star Claims Character Is Involved In Different Kind Of Love Story!

The latest interview with Kevin Feige has teased that the actor to play Thanos has been chosen. Could our suspicions have been right all along-that it's Vin Diesel?

Thanos is obviously a major villain, probably the biggest villain based on the Infinity Stones storyline that they are pursuing. The actor to play his role must have substantial screen presence and CGI would b too much of a cop-out.

The speculation that Vin Diesel would play the purple Titan started when he gave this statement in an interview with Entertainment Weekly:

"Marvel was excited about bring a different kind of relationship, a different kind of love story, I guess kind of semi-inspired from the Dom-Letty relationship, into the Marvel universe."

Dom is Dominic Toretto, his character from the "Fast and Furious" series and Letty was played by Michelle Rodriguez. The relationship twist that encountered in "Fast and Furious 6"saw Letty suffering from memory loss (after she was believed dead).

Further analysis from Screenrant: "..Dom not only needed to re-win Letty's heart, but also prove his devotion to her (that included saving her life by jumping out a vehicle that was probably moving at over 100 mph at the time)."

Using that clue as a backdrop, these are the theories brought forth from Screenrant:

"There are two popular theories about who Diesel is playing in the MCU:

  1. Thanos, as glimpsed during the Avengers' button (re: mid-credits) scene. His infamous courtship of the character Death - an entity who embodies the end of life in the Marvel universe (often appearing in the form of a human female) - was teased during the Mad Titan's brief appearance onscreen in Whedon's film.
  2. Vision, the android created by Ultron, who we now know is going to be featured in the Avengers sequel. Furthermore, Vision's love interest/wife is Scarlet Witch, who is another confirmed character that will be introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron."

But Paul Bettany (who voices JARVIS) has already been confirmed as Vision. Thus, there was only one possibility left standing-Thanos!

The Groot voice role is inconsequential-we won't even see Diesel as Groot. Diesel's off camera antics to divert us actually reinforced the idea.

Did the internet sleuths get it right?

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