Britney Spears Sued: Oops, She Did It Again; Britney Hit Me One More Time, In The Nose, Says Dancer

Britney Spears Sued: Britney Spears, the Hit Me One More Time singer, is being sued by a dancer for battery and negligence.

A dancer claims she was injured during the filming of the Britney Spears' "Work Bitch" music video.

Newsbeat published reports on the lawsuit, saying that dancer Dawn Noel claims Britney Spearks struggled to follow "simple directions" during the taping of the music video.

The dancer alleged that Britney accidentally broke her nose she was in a "disheveled and confused state" while working on a video clip. Dawn Noel Pignuola, who dances as Dawn Noel, sued Spears, claiming Spears' representatives reneged on an offer to pay her medical bills. The dancer says she suffered a nasal bone fracture that required surgery.

According to the documents Noel stated that "although the choreography involving Spears was fairly basic, [the singer] was having difficulty learning the moves, performing dance steps and following simple directions."

According to published reports, Dawn Noel claims she was standing to the side of Britney when the singer "twirled in an unbalanced and reckless manner, arms extended out to her sides and forcefully backhanded" the dancer across the face.

According to E! News, the lawsuit alleges that there was a "cracking sound," which everyone immediately knew to be Noel's nose. The crack was so loud it was heard by other dancers.

According to Dawn Noel, everyone in the room apparently heard a cracking sound.

Britney allegedly said "I'm sorry" after the incident before continuing with rehearsals.

After taking the pain, the dancer sought medical advice a half hour later. She was told she had a nasal fracture that would require surgery.

Spears reportedly said "The diagnosis was a nasal bone fracture which allegedly needed surgery."

Spears's representative and the Reign Deer Entertainment Company told Noel they would take care of all medical bills. When the dancer was told the bills would not be paid for, she proceeded with the lawsuit.

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