Mark Jackson Fired! Steph Curry Is Upset! Pressure Mounts For Warriors Owner And GM To Choose A Better Coach!

After the action has been made, the tables have been turned. After getting fired, Mark Jackson, former head coach of the Golden State Warriors feels relieved, and the pressure mounts on Joe Lacob and the Warriors management.

The San Jose Mercury News talked to the opposing parties. Firstly, Mark Jackson:

"We accomplished a lot in three years and we should be proud. I wish them nothing but the best. But to me, now the pressure's on for them to get a championship. It's not the time for them to be patient any more. This is a championship-caliber team. We were in the playoffs without David last year, and we were without Bogut this year."

That's an indirect way to trumpet your accomplishments, but they are legitimate and every basketball knows it.

"When this team is healthy, it is a legit contender. That's something that we're all looking at going forward."

True professionals will not use injuries as an excuse and Jackson did not. He just wants due recognition for the efforts of the teammates who did play. Nevertheless, he is out but there are a lot of teams looking for coaches. He might not even leave California.

Now, California's team from across the bridge has their fanbase riled over the firing. Jackson is a very charismatic fellow to say the least, and the team's superstar who could very well run for mayor of Oakland has expressed his full support for his coach.

The very volatile situation requires no less than the owner to intervene with the damage control. Joe Lacob's turn with SJMN:

"Look, the guy (Mark Jackson) was obviously let go today, so were there questions about fit going forward between Mark Jackson and the Warriors? Yes. That's obviously why we made the decision.

But dysfunction's a very tough word, a very difficult word. I would not say that's an accurate use of a term."

When he was pried for details:  "I don't think we should get into the great details of what did happen, other than to say that this is a decision that was based on what was good for the organization as a whole.

And when I say the organization as a whole I don't mean just the team and just the 15 players that are involved and the coaching staff. I mean everybody. There's 200 employees here.

So when we look at the organization going forward and the kind of coach we want and... not just the performance but everything else, all these factors matter. We took all that account."

How about the most important of the 200-Stephen Curry: "We spoke with Steph Curry several times actually. And I think he's disappointed because because he... I would even say he loves Mark Jackson as a friend as a coach. I understand that, we understand thatBut I think he also likes this organization a lot and he trusts this organization. And I think he trusts Bob Myers and the crew at basketball operations. And I think you can answer that question by just asking him.
You've got to give him more than a day to probably reflect on it. But I think you'll probably find that he is supportive."

Lacob says the right things as he should. But they need to do the right things, starting with the right coach. If not, the Warriors will be lottery bound again after just two years.

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