Ramona Singer Gets Violent on RHONY! [VIDEO] Throws Glass At Kristen Taekman On Berkshires On Real Housewives Of New York City

Ramona Singer Gets Violent on RHONY! So do you think Ramona Singer being violent towards Kristen Takeman is reason enough to have Singer thrown off RHONY?  Well after what occurred with Porsha Williams at the Real Housewives Of Atlanta reunion, Bravo now has a responsibility to all of the Housewives and the fans to keep their ‘no violence policy.' Yes we've seen drinks thrown in Housewives faces (Tamra) and Housewives get in others' faces threatening to hurt them (NeNe Laakes To Kim Zolciak) but the violence shown this week by Ramona on Real Housewives of New York and has hit new levels and needs to stop. So because Ramona Singer threw a glass at Kristen Taekman and used violence instead of her words, should Singer be fired from RHONY?

RHOA Porsha Williams is allegedly fired from Housewives for being violent towards Kenya Moore. We all watched Porsha pull Kenya down by her hair in a violent rage. Though Porsha was provoked at the reunion, violence is violence and Porsha was made to leave from the rest of the reunion and possibly won't be hired for the next season of Real Housewives of Atlanta. So after Ramona Singer threw a glass at Kristen, cutting her lip open, shouldn't Ramona Singer get the same treatment by Bravo and be fired as well for being even more violent than Porsha?

Dzyjne wrote me: I think Ramona should be fired from the show. She caused bodily harm to an employee; intended or not. Regardless of the setting, her contract should be terminated. And Carol added: ARE YOU WATCHING ANDY COHEN??? IS THIS NOT VIOLENCE?? You sat in such judgment over Porsha Stewart a couple of weeks ago for pulling hair (after you allowed her to be verbally abused...with props, yet on other Housewives shows, violence seems to be okay (Gee, New York comes to mind). I guess throwing a glass at a models face and cutting open her mouth is okay? You pick and choose which soap box to stand on each week, yet you shouldn't have that luxury as the head of the housewife franchise. Guess there's different rules for the white Housewives. Also, Ramona is a complete nut job and has pushed it to the limit this season. She has no place on anyone's tv. This may be the end of the exhausting road for me with this show.
Carrie wrote: Ramona's actions were disgusting!! Isn't it Bravo's "law" that they do not in any way shape or form put up with violence.. Look what just happen with on Atlanta Housewives the one that pulled Kenya's hair was pulled off the reunion show... Ramona should not be allowed back on the show after showing such physical violence she has turned crazier then usual.. I vote KICK HER OFF THE SHOW!!!

DO you think Ramona Singer should be kicked off Housewives?

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