Weezer 20th Anniversary Celebrated By Looking Back At 'Blue' Album! One Of The Best Albums Of The 90s!

In May 10, 1994, a self-titled album came out with a very drab and simple cover. The band members are nothing like their grungy contemporaries let alone the 80s glam rock.

Weezer was credited with helping the teen rockers get over the death of Kurt Cobain just a couple of months before. They also had a different image-they did not have long hair or outlandish appearances. They also did not have the angst that most of their grunge contemporaries had.

The blue album, for lack of a better title, had a great impact on rock. Grantland writes: "Whether Weezer birthed modern emo, or produced any more than one really good album, varies depending on whom you ask, but in 10 tracks and 41 minutes, the mark they left in the twilight of rock's reign is undeniable."

Some of the best musicians and critics sound off on their favorite Weezer track from the Blue album:

From Flavorwire: My Name Is Jonas - "The song begins with a cross-picking guitar pattern on acoustic guitar that just blasts out of the gates, and, just as I am marveling at the beauty of the tone, Rivers Cuomo makes his vocal entrance surrounded by the biggest guitar-driven sound I had ever heard as he sings the line "my name is Jonas" with a vibrato that hints at the intensity to come. Every single instrument drives each lyrical phrase like fists pounding on the table. The sounds of the instruments seemed so rich but so unadorned, distorted but full-colored chords, a drum beat like a backbone and a bass so rich that I actually, for the first time ever, listened to the bass line."

From Grantland:  Buddy Holly - "It's funny how much the song seemed, at the time, like a knowing wink at the received, built-from-scrap nature of '90s alt-culture. "I look just like Buddy Holly," Rivers Cuomo sings, "and you're Mary Tyler Moore." Many, many people in Weezer's audience probably fit that description back then, plus or minus a few Shaggys and Velmas."

Weezer signified a generation that was tired of being tough, glam and angry. They made rock music and punk fun without the danger and rebellion-the way it was supposed to be.

Weezer 20th Anniversary
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