NBA Free Agents 2014: LeBron James Return To Cleveland Requested From Johnny Manziel! Will They Build A Sports Empire In Ohio?

Say what you will about Johnny Manziel, he is a sports phenomenon. His friendship and business connections with another phenom and NBA Free Agent LeBron James sparked the imagination of Cleveland natives.

Manziel was drafted by the Cleveland Browns, and the player known as Johnny Football, who has always been in the national spotlight will play for a city that is still reeling from the loss of the world's most famous athlete today.

While it's nothing more than a fantasy scenario, it was actually asked at Manziel's press conference. From Cavaliers' blog Fear The Sword:

"Well, it didn't take long before some Cleveland media guy asked if Manziel thought that his presence would help bring LeBron James back to the Cavaliers.

'I don't think I can do THAT' replied Johnny Manziel, asked if he can convince LeBron to come back to Cleveland.

Now, Manziel is friends with LeBron James and LeBron was reportedly upset that the Dallas Cowboys didn't draft him. But oh my god, can we get any more ridiculous than this? Clearly LeBron James isn't going to decide what team to play for just because some 21-year old football player happened to be drafted by the football team in the city where LeBron used to play. That's crazy."

Larry Brown Sports revisits their relationship: "Manziel signed with LeBron's marketing agent - Maverick Carter - and has already begun using a similar image-building strategy. LeBron and Johnny connected while Manziel was at A&M, and the quarterback credited the Heat star for giving him advice on dealing with all the attention and scrutiny. They have remained in touch since then. But just because they're friends, don't expect Manziel to influence James to return to the Cavaliers."

Is there ever a chance that LeBron would return to Cleveland?

The Cavs don't even have a coach at this point and now they have a new GM in David Griffin who reportedly has a 'blank check and a clean slate.'

James still considers Ohio as his home and it won't be surprising if he'll drop by some Browns games to watch his friend. It is widely believed that James will return to the Cavs at some point, but not now when he still has everything to gain with Miami.

But Cleveland can dream, right?

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