Samsung Chairman Lee Kun Hee In Stable Condition: Samsung CEO Replacement Details Emerge; Succession Process Update Surfaces As Son Lee Jae-Yong Shows Increased Presence In Last Year

Samsung Chairman Lee Kun Hee has been in the hospital, unconscious, for the past five days as he receives treatment for a sudden cardiac infarction.

Samsung officials and health care professionals announced today that there have been no complications with the treatment so far.

KpopStarz's requests for comment from Samsung, regarding the state of Lee's health, were not immediately responded to.

Business Korea reported that Lee was taken to the Samsung Medical Center in Ilwon-dong, Seoul, on the night of May 10 for a sudden cardiac infarction.

Samsung's chairman underwent CPR on May 11 and is receiving mild sedation care along with various other medications that have not been confirmed.

Lee has been undergoing low-temperature treatment after the 11th before showing a normal temperature at around 2p.m. on the 13th.

Lee's brainwaves and cardiac functions are now stable, according to Seoul News.

Medical professionals are currently putting importance in reviving the Chairman's overall physical health before they attempt to bring Lee Kun Hee back to consciousness.

Top management of the Samsung Group held their regular meetingon Wednesday at the main office where head of the Future Strategy Office Choi Ji-sung announced, "Chairman Lee is in a stable recovery."

Despite the updates on his recovery, industry insiders are reportedly worried about the possibility of any possible damage to his mental faculties.

Lee, who is 72, is not expected to be able to return to managing the Samsung Group as he used to even after he regains consciousness. 

Samsung is Asia's biggest technology company.

KpopStarz's requests for comment from the company's US offices, regarding the state of Lee's health, were not immediately responded to. 

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