‘Deadpool’ Movie: Ryan Reynolds Still Involved! Full Reboot Awaits As Producer Wants To Forget About ‘X-Men: Origins:Wolverine!’ Film To Feature R-Rated Action?

The Deadpool movie was teased again. It was the winner of a survey that Fox conducted on whether which X-Men character fans would like to see.

Apparently it enjoys support from long time X-Men producer Lauren Shuler-Donner. In the X-Men premiere in London, Hey U Guys caught up with the wife of original 'Superman' director Richard Donner:.

SPOILERS: "X-Men: Days of Future Past" killed off several key characters, and while The Wolverine showed that those events would still take place, it seems as if "X-Men: Days of Future Past" will either pay little attention to the events of that movie or totally strikes it off the record of the cinematic universe.  

Lauren Shuler Donner appeals: "Yes, it will be putting that right. Just forget about X-3! And the first Wolverine; forget about that too!"

While that would seem like a huge relief to comic books fans, the next X-Men movie, subtitled "Apocalyse " will be set in the 1980s. Timeline questions will arise and continuity errors will be nitpicked-it will be a challenge for Bryan Singer and his creative pool of writers to set it right.  

Speaking of setting things right, Fox had grand plans for spinoff movies starting with "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" but they were curtailed after the movie was critically panned for being a mess. Thus, they went to a different direction altogether with "X-Men: First Class."

One of the characters in that movie was Deadpool, portrayed by Ryan Reynolds. The character has a solid cult following and has great potential. Reynolds was not really a bad fit for the character, but he was dragged along with the movie's failure.

Shuler Donner has some clarificatory statements on the Deadpool movie: "We so want to make it. We're getting there. I think it will, but one thing now is the rating. If we make it a smaller budget movie, we can go for the R-Rating. If not, then we push the boundaries of PG-13 which is alright too. We just don't want to saturate the market to the point where it's just not special anymore."

Perhaps the plan is to make Deadpool the heir apparent to Wolverine as the bad-ass anti-hero of the X-Men universe. That sounds like a plan. An R-Rated Deadpool movie will give comic book movies a much-awaited edge.

It's likely that the Deadpool movie will be made after "Apocalypse" in 2016 and the next "Wolverine" movie in 2017. Fans have waited five years, and they would be willing to wait five more.

‘Deadpool’ Movie
Ryan Reynolds
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