‘Mad Men’ Season 7 Spoilers: Will ‘Amy From Delaware’ Be Back? Tears All Around For Cast And Crew As End Nears?

"Mad Men" season 7 spoilers are as vague as ever but fans of the show are asking, will the mysterious Amy from Delaware be back for the show finale? Meanwhile, the cast and crew are already tearing up just thinking about the end of the series.

Amy from Delaware was introduced two episodes ago as a redhead actress wannabe who swings both ways. She even beds both Don Draper and his wife, Megan Draper. So will she make an appearance once more?

"I don't know. People will just have to wait and see," co-producer Marcy Patterson told Delaware Online.

While she didn't dish out some "Mad Men" season 7 spoilers, she did reveal that they already finished filming the 12th episode and only two episodes are scheduled to be filmed. In fact, the cast and crew have been dreading the day when they all have to leave the set.

"People keep saying, 'This is our second-to-last production meeting' or 'This is last time these two people have a scene together,'" she said.

"Mad Men" season 7 is divided into two halves of seven episodes each. The finale for the first half airs Sunday night.

Todd Leopold of CNN didn't offer "Mad Men" season 7 spoilers but he did list the theories for the finale of the first half of the season. 

"Megan is going to cross paths with Charles Manson; Don will mount an office coup. You have to wonder how the moon landing will figure into things -- especially since it appears the series' timeline is nearing July 1969."

Still, the fact is Don Draper is still a copywriter and Peggy still gets no respect even if she holds the title of "manager," Bert is a dummy, Roger is going through the motions and Cutler remains influential.

"No wonder Ginsberg (Ben Feldman) cut off his nipple. It's almost the only way to relieve the pressure," Leopold said.

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