‘Person Of Interest’ Cast Jim Caveziel Addresses Health Scare? Actor’s Old Inspirational Video On Abortion And God’s Love Goes Viral

"Person of Interest" cast Jim Caviezel addressed a health scare and finally resolved recurring fears of the impacts of being hit by lightning while playing Jesus Christ in "The Passion of the Christ" in 2004. Meanwhile, his old inspirational video about his views on abortion and God has gone viral.

According to Sun Times, "Person of Interest" cast Jim Caviezel had an appointment with an specialist from Cleveland Clinic, known for specializing in cardiovascular care.

"Jim was having some health concerns and was worried the lightning hitting him years ago might have impacted his heart," the publication reported, citing the friend of the actor as source.

His survival after that lighting strike was a miracle in itself but "Person of Interest" cast Jim Caviezel has always been worried about the long-term effects of the incident on his health, as the source described that the hit was so bad, "Jim said smoke was coming out his ears."

However, after visiting with the specialist, he was assured that the lightning strike is not related "with the medical procedure he ultimately needed and everything is A-OK now," the publication added.

Meanwhile, Jim Caviezel's old video when he shared his views with members of the Rock Church in California on abortion and God's love has recently gone viral, said Christian Post.

"Some of you have had abortions," he told the audience. "Some of you didn't have the abortion but paid for it, so you have contributed to this. Many people are part of this great sin in this country."

"Person of Interest" cast Jim Caviezel then asked: "Do you think that your God doesn't have more mercy and grace than your friend? Do you think your friend has more grace than God? "Does your friend have more love than the Creator? It can never be. It can never be. So - God forgives you and now He needs you to begin again, to accept forgiveness."

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