Teenager from Philippines Invents Shoe to Charge Cell Phone [VIDEO]

15 year old Angelo Casimiro has invented a shoe that can charge your cell phone. 

The shoe works by inserting two physio-electric disks, essentially a device that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy without the use of moving parts. Casimiro explains in his video," My insole generator does not use coils, motors, magnets, or anything that involves moving parts," he explains. "We have a pair (of physio-electric discs) mounted back-to-back. When you make back-to-back pairs, you're able to harvest twice the power."

The device can power anything that can plug into a usb port, including flashlights. Casimiro says his invention is intended for hikers and joggers that aren't in one fixed spot, but also for people in rural areas who don't have regular access to electricity. 

The invention, however, is far from perfected, and you won't be able to charge your iphone just going up a flight of stairs. As of now it takes about 8 hours of jogging to fully charge a battery, and the device can power a ten minute phone conversation with about two hours of basketball.

Angelo was inspired by the devastating typhoon that swept through the country last fall. "A lot of people are still suffering from poverty," he says in a YouTube video. " Some people have no access to electricity," he goes on to say, for them "a simple source of light is big.'' 

Angelo first submitted his invention to the 2014 Google Science fair. While astounding, especially for a teenager, it is not the only project of its kind. Hahna Alexander and Matt Stanton of Carnegie Mellon University have a similar idea called SolePower which they have been working on since 2012, including a kickstarter campaign that received $60,000, and an award from Popular Science. 

Cell Phone
Teenage Inventor
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