Paris Jackson’s Boarding School Set To Be Her Home Until Next Year? Michael Jackson’s Daughter Ready To Start Fresh After Suicide Attempt, Gets Over-The-Top Allowance

Paris Jackson's boarding school set to be her home until next year, or at least that's what her family allegedly hopes, as Michael Jackson's daughter is ready to start fresh after suicide attempt. Meanwhile, the King of Pop's children are reportedly getting over-the-top allowance.

"The family want her to remain away from the glare of the cameras," a source told Star magazine. "She's made massive progress."

Paris Jackson's boarding school specializes in equine therapy, which uses horses to help teenagers cope with trauma. After Paris Jackson's suicide attempt, she was sent to the Utah-based center so she can deal better about the pain of Michael Jackson's death.

However, Michael Jackson's daughter "wants a fresh start in California and feels ready," the Star added. "She's had a new haircut, she's back on social media - albeit on a very private account - and wants to join her family again."

According to Belfast Telegraph, the family has already moved on from Paris Jackson's suicide attempt and Michael Jackson's daughter has been spending time with her grandmother and legal guardian, Katherine Jackson and T.J. Jackson, as well as mother Debbie Rowe.

Although Paris Jackson and her biological mother, Debbie Rowe, already formed a bond after reuniting last year, both Prince and Blanket still haven't warmed up to her,Star also reported.

"The family thinks that, in 12 months' time, the relationship between Prince, Blanket and Debbie will also have thawed and the two brothers will give their blessing to the move," the magazine added.

In light of Paris Jackson's boarding school and suicide attempt, an ExtraTV report claimed that she and her siblings receive an allowance totalling $8 million annually.

Paris Jackson's boarding school collects about $1 million per year on tuition, while Prince has been spending "as much as $50,000 on his girlfriends."

"Blanket is reportedly spending $500 per night on dinner and movies," the report alleged.

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