LUK Factory
LUK Factory
Not officially specified, Not officially specified
Gangsta, Airplane Mode, Doom Doom, Lucifer, Diamond
Seunghoon, Yeonkuk, Junyong, Siheon, Hoyeon, Siha, Minhyuk, Daewon, Yunsung
TS Entertainment released 10 minute long music video for BAP's "Skydive" comeback. TS Entertainment has released BAP's "Skydive" music video and it is definitely a "Skydive" of emotions for Babyz.
TS Entertainemnt Releases Group Teaser MV Plus Jong Up, Zelo and Young Jae's Individual MV Teasers For 'SkyDive' Comeback
TS Entertainment released individual music video teasers for each BAP member for their 'SkyDive' comeback.
BAP Might have a comeback next moth because they have released a teaser with a caption "B.A.P