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  • Mini Torofluxus

    The Torofluxus was invented in the early 1990s by a craftsman in Germany. A ribbon of fine "flat spring steel" is woven into a torus and the ends spot welded.

  • Thermo Acoustic Engine

    This single cylinder thermo acoustic engine operates from a tiny methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) flame.

  • How To Recycle Scrap Metal In The Backyard, With A Homemade, Mini Metal Foundry

    Recycled soda cans can become something totally different!

  • Two New Magnetic Toys

    With a small2 x 2 array of powerful neodymium magnets, it is possible to levitate a small piece of pyrolytic graphite.

  • Amazing Magnetic Device!

    This device doesnt float any object. You have to place the special magnetic disc that comes with the unit, inside of the objects you want to float.

  • Taylor Swift and Zac Efron Sing a Duet!

    This incredible duo teamed up to perform an original song for Ellen! They may not have had a lot of rehearsal, but it's clear that this is one musical combo it would be great to hear a lot more of.

  • Three-Year-Old Beyoncé Dancer Is Heaven!

    Heaven may only be 3, but she's already an amazing dancer. She and her mom brought the moves to prove it. Check it out, and see the big surprise Ellen had for them!

  • Amazing Secret Monitor!

    This video shows you how to create a secret LCD monitor.

  • Ellen Scares Miley Cyrus

    Her performances are fearless, but could Ellen scare Miley Cyrus? Find out here!

  • Sound, Bass, Water Experiment: Sound makes water come alive!

    "In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as a typically audible mechanical wave of pressure and displacement, through a medium such as air or water."

  • Amazing Resonance Experiment!

    This experiment is the Chladni plate experiment.

  • Ninja Feeds The Homeless!

    Due to our video last week, we cooked way too much food as props and decided to give it out instead of letting it go to waste.

  • The Best News Bloopers Of 2014

    What happens in 2014 stays in 2014 ... but you could have some good laughs at it!