According to reports, the upcoming "Myriad Colors Phantom World" anime will be premiered in a special theater event, ahead of its official January release date. The "Myriad Colors Phantom World" theatrical release and cast talk event will take place in Tokyo, Japan on Dec. 24.
Well that was unexpected. Disney Channel's "Gravity Falls" ends its run with two seasons. Televisions shows come and go, but it came as a surprise that Disney Channel's "Gravity Falls" will be coming to a close after just two seasons.
Ever wondered what happened to Arnold and the gang when the show ended? "Hey Arnold!" TV Movie brings back nostalgia to 90's kids. The way cartoons are made nowadays have changed so much since the 90s.
It's time of the week again and for fans craving for some "Boku No Hero Academia" chapter 69 spoilers, read on.
It's time of the week again and for fans craving for some "Bleach" chapter 653 spoilers & prediction, read on!
It's time of the week again and for fans craving for some "One Piece" chapter 808 spoilers, read on.
Sam Riley To Play Main Villain In 'Ghost In The Shell' Live Action Movie "Maleficent" actor Sam Riley is in negotiations to co-star Scarlett Johansson in Dreamworks' "Ghost In The Shell" live action movie.
Keanu Reeves Fight Sequence In 'John Wick 2' Surfaces; Ruby Rose Plays Main Villain In Sequel
Today, the official website for the upcoming "My Hero Academia" anime series has revealed the character designs for main characters Izuku and All Might.
'Creed' Director Ryan Coogler In Why Marvel's 'Black Panther' Needs A Black Director
J.J. Abrams Wraps Up 'Star Wars 7'; Says Franchise is 'Bigger Than All Of Us' "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" director J.
Wesley Snipes Claims 'Strong Possibility' Of 'Blade 4'; Confirms Meetings With Marvel