True Blood Season 6 Spoilers: Jason Falls in Love With a Vampire; Humans and Vampires Face a New Threat; Cliffhangers Prevail (Video)

“True Blood” season 6 spoilers are bleeding through the internet now that the season is almost over. “True Blood” season 6 spoilers are about the last episode of the bloody HBO vampire soap opera that will have its finale on Sunday. Details about “True Blood” Season 6, episode 10, “Radioactive,” are being kept under wraps, but fang-bangers are feeding on some of the sneak peek clips that have been leaked.

Because a synopsis of the series was leaked, we know that “True Blood” season 6 spoils will involve Jason, Sookie’s brother, will feel a “vampire attraction firsthand.” This will come because he drank Eric’s blood. Vampires can heal people by giving them a little of their blood, but there is a sexual blow-back that comes in the form of erotic dreams. Jason will basically fall at least a little in love with the centuries old Viking vampire, Eric, because he drank Eric’s blood after being fed on by vampires in the General Population area. However, another vampire, Violet, has also been getting close to Jason’s veins, so he may be falling for the beautiful vampire and may forget all about his past vampire love, Jessica. Jason asks Violet “Remember how you said the day was going to come where I was going to want to have sex with you? What if that day has already come?” Violet tells him, “Not yet. Little by little we’ll get there.” But Sookie comes in with a little coitus interruptus.

Another “True Blood” season 6 spoiler involves Vampire Bill, who discovers that “salvation isn’t free.” Bill was saved by his fellow vampires after giving the other vampires some of his blood, which was enhanced by the Fairy Blood of Warlow. Speaking of Warlow, a “True Blood” season 6 spoiler is the revelation that Sookie is weighing an eternal future with the vampire-fairy hybrid. And one last “True Blood” season 6 spoiler, a new crisis is on the horizon that threatens both humans and vampires.

As you remember, Episode 10 comes on the heels of Terry Bellefleur’s funeral, which was attended by all and sundry, human and werewolf and shapeshifter. Terry put a contract out on himself so his wife, Arlene, could benefit from an insurance policy he took out on himself. After the funeral Sookie and the werewolf Alcide reunite to rekindle their friendship, if nothing else. Sookie is worried about her brother, Jason, but the werewolf tries to calm her fears saying “There’s nothing you can do. I know you’re worried about him. Some guys you meet them… you just know they’re going to be ok – Survivors. Jason’s one of those guys. You know that, right?”

Of course I know I’m not giving away anything by revealing – “True Blood” will end on a cliffhanger.

The “True Blood” season 6 finale airs on Sunday at 9 p.m. on HBO.

by Tony Sokol

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