'Million Muslim March' Planned On 9/11 Anniversary; Conservatives Say Wrong Day; Organizers Say Muslims Were Traumatized Too

A “Million Muslim March” will be held in Washington, D.C., on the 12 anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Conservative groups are saying that the political advocacy group American Muslim Political Action Committee picked the wrong day hold a "Million Muslim March."

The “Million Muslim March” probably won’t actually attract one million Muslims. Carol Johnson a spokesperson for the National Park Service told U.S. News that organizers applied for a National Mall permit asking for only about 1,000 probable demonstrators.

The “Million Muslim March” will protest religious profiling and President Obama’s handling of an investigation into 9/11 terror attacks. The demonstration which was originally called the "Million Muslim March" changed its name to the "Million American March Against Fear." Organizers say the majority of speakers at the “Million Muslim March” will not be Muslim.

Isa Hodge, the spokesman of the American Muslim Political Action Committee said the name was changed so the message was not buried by the name. He told the media, "They're focusing on what it was [called] before February to continue the misinformation and fear that we're trying to stop. It's more sensational if they can put out there that it's just Muslims going to dance on the graves of the 3,000 souls that were lost that day. That's not what we're doing."

American Muslim Political Action Committee claims Muslims have suffered anti-Islamic since the 9/11 attack.

Hodge says protesters will march on the National Mall to denounce government surveillance and call for "the truth" about the attacks. Although they only asked for a permit for 1,000, the media frenzy will probably blow that number up. Hodge says, "I expect the numbers to be astronomical. ... I expect many anti-protesters, but they're going to be pleasantly surprised, I think. We're not going to be up there whining about civil rights violations of Muslims. There's going to be a presentation on rights and events that affect the liberties of all Americans."

Nick Defonte of north-central Pennsylvania's Williamsport Tea Party says his group are joining the march. He told U.S. News, "We all deserve to be judged on our own merits, and that is precisely why I will show my solidarity with peaceful, Constitution-loving citizens."

Breitbart News called the timing of the “Million Muslim March” "tasteless.” Organizers of the "Million Muslim March" countered by sayng "Muslim[s] and Non Muslim[s] alike were traumatized" on 9/11.

by Tony Sokol

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