Minecraft Xbox 360 TU12 Release Date: Available By Friday? 4J Studios Releases Optimistic Tweets After Microsoft Certification

4J Studios said in a tweet that TU12 has already been handed over to Microsoft for testing - the good news from 4J Studios was retweeted a thousand times, TheMovementz.com reports, leaving fans wondering if the game will have an end-of-week release.

But the trend of 10 days from Microsoft Cert Testing to release date of the Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 12 (and other major updates that have gone before it) is still in effect until August 20, and fans have been wondering if this was going to be the case for the latest update as well, the International Business Times writes.

In response to a fan request asking about the 10-day timeframe, 4J Studios News replied: "There's a chance of that yes, but I can't say for sure after Cert Testing is complete they set a release date," the International Business Times also writes.

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition fans have been buzzing about the game's TU12 release date, but one gamer believes the update might be available August 27.

"All the bug fixes that I can remember have taken only a few days. Otherwise, if they add features, they take the full 10 days. With that, I predict the 27th for a release," predicts one user on 4J Studios' forum discussing the game's release.

"I think last major update (TU 9) took only 5 to 7 days but I could be wrong," wrote another user on the forum.

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