John Lennon Clone Via Tooth DNA In The Works: Beatle May Live To Sing Again, Thanks To Intrepid Dentist

John Lennon may be cloned via DNA in his tooth. The Beatle's tooth is being genetically sequenced, it has just been revealed, for possible cloning.

Yes, John Lennon may live to sing again.

A dentist purchased Lennon's tooth in 2011 for over 30,000 at an auction. He has since given the tooth to scientists to attempt to extract the DNA code from the rotted molar.

"I am nervous and excited at the possibility that we will be able to fully sequence John Lennon's DNA, very soon I hope," the dentist, Dr. Michael Zuk, said.

"With researchers working on ways to clone mammoths, the same technology certainly could make human cloning a reality."

Before that, the dentist, Dr. Michael Zuk, took John Lennon's tooth around the world and used it for cancer awareness promotion and to make a line of DNA pendants.

The results may be featured as part of a documentary about celebrity genetics currently under production.

Lennon once gave the tooth to housekeeper Dot Jarlett in the 1960s. It changed hands a few times-but in Dr. Zuk's, it may turn into a full-fledged person.

Since then, it had done the rounds being sold via various charity outlets until it arrived in Dr Zuk's hands

"To potentially say I had a small part in bringing back one of rock's greatest stars would be mind-blowing," Zuk said.

Lennon died in 1980-but bringing him back seems like a possibility....even if a vague one.

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