Obama Biracial Black Skin Got Him Elected According To J. Cole: 'Barack Obama Would Not Be President If He Were Dark Skin,' Said The Rapper

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According to rapper J. Cole, President Obama being a light skinned biracial black man gave him an advantage in getting elected.

In an interview with BET to discuss his involvement in Ubisoft's Splinter Cell: Blacklist video game, J. Cole found himself touching on heavier topics like racial issues.

When asked whether light-skinned and dark-skinned issues effected men in the hip-hop industry just as it effects women, J. Cole used Obama to make his point.

"That brainwashing that tells us that light skin is better, it’s subconsciously in us, whether we know it or not," said the "Born Sinner" emcee. " Barack Obama would not be President if he were dark skin. You know what I mean? That’s just the truth."

He even went on to us himself as an example.

"I might not be as successful as I am now if I was dark skin. I’m not saying that for sure, I’m still as talented as I am and Obama is still as smart as he is, but it’s just a sad truth," he said. "So I can only naturally assume it’s probably easier for a light skin male rapper than it might be for a dark skin male rapper. It’s all subconscious s***, nobody’s aware — I think that s*** still subconsciously affects us."

 Do you agree with J. Cole? Does lighter skin make people one step closer in advancing in mainstream society?

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j. cole
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Born Sinner
