Splinter Cell: Blacklist Video Game Diverse? J. Cole Wondered 'Where Are The Brown People' [See Trailer]

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When J. Cole spoke to BET about endorsing Splinter Cell: Blacklist, he admitted to questioning how diverse the video game was.

When interviewer Clay Cane asked where all the "brown people" were in the video game that was named best video game of Fall 2013 by XXL magazine, J. Cole exposed that he had the same thought process.

"Yeah, trust me, I felt the same way," said the 28-year-old emcee.

However, Cole did divulge that the game does have a variety of cultural representation.

"One of the main characters, the other bad a** other than Sam Fisher, is a Black dude," assured the "Born Sinner" rapper. "I’m very conscious of that but this is a culturally diverse game — and the terrorists, they’re not all Middle Eastern, which is great. I hate those games where the bad guys are always Middle Eastern, it’s right into the stereotype, but this game isn’t like that."

J. Cole said that the creators of Blacklist sought him out in order to add his "Miss America" song to the soundtrack of the trailer. He was cool with it because he thought the song was a perfect fit with the video game.

"You get a lot of partnerships that get offered to you but a lot them don’t make sense. This one felt like it made sense because of the connection I had to the game," said J. Cole. "I actually had played the game and the song fit so I thought it was dope."

In addition to talking about his contribution to UBisoft's Splinter Cell: Blacklist video game, J. Cole found himself touching on heavier topics like racial issues.

When asked whether light-skinned and dark-skinned issues effected men in the hip-hop industry just as it effects women, J. Cole used Obama to make his point.

"That brainwashing that tells us that light skin is better, it’s subconsciously in us, whether we know it or not," said the rapper. " Barack Obama would not be President if he were dark skin. You know what I mean? That’s just the truth."

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world news
j. cole
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Clay Cane
Fall 2013
Sam Fisher
Born Sinner
