Kanye West And Kris Jenner Squash Rumors Of Bad Blood [VIDEO] 'There Is So much Love In Our Home' And 'Our Brands Are Better United' Talk Show Host And Kim Kardashian Boyfriend Explain

Kanye West and Kris Jenner squashed all rumors that their is bad blood between them once and for all. On her show 'Kris' today, the last episode of her trial based talk show, Kanye and Kris told the audience how great their relationship is and how the Kanye West and Kardashian brands are more successful when united, 

The interview with Kanye West lasted the whole hour on 'Kris' and Kanye was able to end any rumor about his ill relationship with the Kardashians and why he always looks miserable in front of the paparazzi

Kris and Kanye squashed the rumors that there is bad blood between them by openly stating their affection for each other and how enjoyable it is living together. The couple have been living with mama Kris since February when Kim's house went under construction.

Kris said 'there is so much love in my home' and Kanye said that the Kardashian and Kanye West 'brands' are better united. Kris explained that Kanye is such a great father and is calm, and soft. Kanye was a little taken back by the 'soft' comment jokingly saying it would take away from his rapper'street cred.' The pair looked like they get along great on the set of 'Kris' and it was clear to see how much they care for each other despite the ongoing rumors. Kris constantly remarked 'Don't believe what you read.'

Kanye also confessed how difficult it is to be an artist. He said it's hard for him to 'have small talk, like talking about the weather' and that living with the Kardashians has taught him how to 'be a better person.'

 Kanye came off like a great father, telling the audience and Kim's mom Kris how much he wants to 'protect his daughter' and especially shield her from paparazzi. He talked about how difficult it is to protect his daughter from the photographers and wants to start 'zoning projects' in cities like NYC and LA. All he wants to do is be able to 'drive his daughter to school.' 

Kanye West discusses how he never smiles in front of the paparazzi. He explains that he feels they always want something from him and used a metaphor that made the audience understand him a bit better. 

Kanye explained that the photographers are like being in high school and somebody everyday wants your lunch money. It is impossible to look happy with a bully bothering you all day and the more nice things the bully says the more 'patronizing' it comes off.  Agreed Kanye!

Kanye also spoke about his parents and how intelligent and creative they both are and how he gets his 'genius' from them. His father was  creative artist while his mother was a musical genuis and Kanye was blessed with both of their talents. 

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