Jennifer Lopez Home Invasion: Stalker Stayed In Home For Six Days, Insisted He Was Her Husband, "Baby-Daddy"

Jennifer Lopez had a home invasion by a stalker...for six days.

A man who was stalking Jennifer Lopez got in through the pool house of her Hamptons estate and lived there for six days before he was detected.

Lopez already had an order of protection against the alleged perpetrator, John M. Dubis, 49.

The Southampton, N.Y., police say that the man broke into Jennifer Lopez's house while she wasn't there and stayed for six days. He slept on J. Lo's couch, worked on her yard, kept his car parked out front as if he were a guest, and even posted Facebook photos from the mansion under the name "David A. Lopez."

Dubus is a former firefighter from Rhode Island, and already had alleged creepster incidents against Lopez.

Earlier this year, Dubus contacted Lopez's mother and told her that he was her son, thus the restraining order.


A worker noticed Dubus on the property on August 8.  when challeneged by the worker, Dubus said he was Lopez's husband. When the cops showed up, he told them that he was Lopez's baby daddy, saying she'd left the pool house open for him.

A psychiatric exam was ordered for Dubis, the home invader. Gee, we wonder why.

J.Lo wasn't at her property, but three security guards were. The $10 million main house has eight bedrooms and is 8,500 square feet.

Thankfully, Lopez and the proprety both seem unharmed.

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