Agents Of SHIELD: Phil Coulson Talks About His ‘Resurrection;’ Hints At Captain America Crossover

Clark Gregg, or better known as Phil Coulson, lead agent of SHIELD at Level 7 and the glue that holds the Avengers together talks about Life after the Avengers, his death and 'resurrection' and Captain America visiting the 'Agents' in an interview with Empire.

On his private life after "The Avengers" movie: "The Avengers took it to a whole new level though. I was wondering whether people would be sad when I died, or whether they'd be, 'Oh great, that boring bureaucrat has gone.' So when there was the whole 'Coulson Lives' movement, I was actually blown away by it. It was really touching to me. And even so, I don't think I realised how much of a connection he'd made, so to get to be back to do this mammoth TV show, a huge budget, special effects thing, designed around the post-Avengers world, featuring a maybe-not-dead Agent Coulson? It's unbelievable. Everyday I show up to work and there are 40 trucks for all the special effects rigs and I just howl with laughter. It really is a maniacal chuckle."

On his 'resurrection:' The thing is, I love a great death scene - no good actor doesn't. Sorry, any actor, I should say. My one real conversation with Joss was, 'I loved what you did in the Avengers, but how are we bringing him back? I don't want to do anything to undermine what we did there...'

So when he gave me the outline of what the whole story might be about, and he told me that Coulson has a version of the truth that he's believing, one that gradually starts to unravel and get darker and more complex in ways that you could only imagine might come from the mind of Joss... that's all I really needed to sign up.

As for the spectacular plane, the incredible technical toys, the elite young team of crazy sexy super agents... all that was just a bonus. The icing on the proverbial S.H.I.E.L.D. cake. They actually had cupcakes at one event. No really, they were stunning.

On the possibility of a Captain America (or any hero) crossover: " I wouldn't tell you even if I knew the answer to that one, but the truth is that I do not know the answer. What I can tell you is that nothing that happens on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. will in any way disagree with what's happening in the films, and there will be some cross-pollination." 

That said, we're not a platform for superheroes to show up, though that will happen sometimes. This is a show that focuses on what people connected with when they first connected with Phil Coulson, which is someone who has no powers trying to live in a world where all these powers have been unleashed.

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