California Teenager in Jail for Sextortion Pictures of Miss Teen USA; Scarlet Johansson, Mila Kunis Also Victims of Sextortion Attempts

A California teenager has been jail for Sextortion pictures of Miss Teen USA. This case is similar to Sextortion attempts against the actresses Scarlet Johansson and Mila Kunis.

Sextortion photos of the Miss Teen USA sent California teenager to jail. Police say there may be many ofther women who are victims to his sextortion photos.

FBI officials say Abraham confessed to working the sextortion scheme on a number of other women.

Cassidy Wolf said someone had gained access to her webcam and stole the sextortion pictures. Wolf became aware of theft after she got an anonymous email asking for money in exchange for keeping the pictures private.

FBI agents in Temecula, Calif., arrested 19-year-old Jared James Abrahams for his sextortation photos. Abrahams is arrested on charges of blackmailing and threatening to release naked photos of Cassidy Wolf, from Temecula, Calif., was crowned Miss Teen USA in August, into the public domain.

Reports of sextortion photos began soon after Cassidy Wolf was crowned Miss Teen USA. FBI agents disclosed in August that they had been investigating the case for months and that they had a suspect in the case. FBI Officials report that Abrahams was charged with cybercrimes and extortion.

The FBI did not provide further details.

The sextortion photos of Miss Teen USA were similar to other celebrity sextortion cases. Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis were also sextortion victims.

Police said Christopher Chaney, 35, from Florida, hacked e-mails almost daily for two years to steal accounts of about 50 people in the entertainment industry. But those pictures were already on the celebrities computers. The FBI said Abraham used Miss Teen USA’s own computer to take the shots himself.

The police report said, “Abrahams used malicious software to disguise his identity in order to capture nude photos or videos of victims through remote operation of cameras on their home computers without their consent.”

FBI agents said Abraham would email the sextortion photos to the victims and then threaten to post them to their social media accounts unless they either sent naked photos or “engaged in a Skype session with him and did what he said for five minutes.”

Miss Teen USA, Cassidy Woolf, claimed that her webcam was hacked and someone stole photos of her. She then got an anonymous email trying to extort her in exchange for keeping the photos of her private.

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Miss Teen USA
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