Apple Best Global Brand List: No. 1 On Interbrand's Yearly Top 100 Brands Surpassing Coca-Cola, Who Drops Out Of Top Spot First Time 13 Years, Google Passes Coke Also

Apple Best Global Brand list: The company passed Coca-Cola on interbrand's yearly list, which is the first time Coke gives up the number one spot in 13 years.

Not only did Apple surpass Coke on the Best Global Brand list, but so did Google. Coke moves to number three as Google slides in at the two spot. Google was listed at four a year ago.

The top 10 of the Best Global Brand list was topped with 1, Apple - 2, Google - 3, Coke, and the rest was a tech-heavy list, on which IBM, Microsoft, Samsung and Intel helped round out. In all, the list consist of 100 different companies.

"Every so often, a company changes our lives, not just with its products, but with its ethos," Interbrand CEO Jez Frampton said in the report. "This is why, following Coca-Cola's 13-year run at the top of Best Global Brands, Interbrand has a new No. 1 -- Apple."

Interbrand, which consults with companies about their public image, compiles its list based on financial performance of the company, the role the brand plays in influencing consumers, and how secure the brand's top money-making products are in their field, according to CNN.

According to the report, Apple's brand is estimated to be worth $98.3 million, a 28% increase over 2012, when it was No. 2 on the list. Coca-Cola's not losing value as its value actually rose, but by only 2%, to $79.2 million.

As far as other tech-brands, Facebook gained 43% to hit No. 52, making it the only social-media site on the list. Amazon jumped 27% to No. 19, while Gap was up 5% at $3,290 million, coming in at 100 on the list of 100.

"Tech brands continue to dominate Interbrand's Best Global Brands report -- underscoring the fundamental and invaluable role they play in consumers' lives," the report reads. The report estimates that the list's tech companies have a combined value of more than $443 billion.

The entire Interband Best Global Brand list

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