Samsung Chairman Lee Kun Hee’s Two Daughters Return To Work; Operations Within Samsung Continue

Samsung Chairman Lee Kun Hee's health has improved considerably, allowing medical officials to transfer him from the intensive care unit to a VIP hospital room on May 19 within the Samsung Medical Center in Seoul.

Lee's two daughters, Lee Bu-jin and Lee Seo-hyun have returned to work as soon as the chairman was moved into a hospital room to reportedly continue his mild sedation treatment.

Lee Bu-jin, the president of Shilla Hotel, and Lee Seo-hyun, the president of Everland's fashion department, have stayed by their father's side since he was admitted to the hospital the night of May 10 due to a heart attack.

"We expect there won't be any emergency situations while chairman Lee Kun Hee continues his stay in a hospital room," stated an associate for the Samsung group.

Despite Lee's steadily improving health, Lee's two daughters will focus on their obligations at their respective companies during the day and return to the chairman's side during the evening and at night, according to the Korean publication Newsis. 

Lee Kun Hee's son, Lee Jae-yong, has been balancing the operations of Samsung with visits to his father. Lee's wife, Hong La-hee, has reportedly stayed in the hospital since Lee underwent stent treatment and following medical procedures.

The Samsung group has reportedly slowly returned to their daily operations as well.

"Delayed foreign activities are partially being resumed within the Samsung group as well," added the associate for the Samsung group.

The VIP hospital room located on the 20th floor of the medical center restricts the entrance of the public as well as doctors that are not involved in treating Lee Kun Hee, according to the Korean publication Premium Chosun.

There is also a security guard that is situated at the entrance of the elevator doors that open up to the 20th floor.

Medical officials are being cautious about the information that is being distributed regarding Samsung Chairman Lee Kun Hee.

"We will not be announcing other medical procedures that chairman Lee will undergo or updates regarding Lee's health for the time being," stated an associate for the Samsung Medical Center on the morning of May 21. 

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