Neko Case Playboy Twitter Feud: Neko Case Has No Sympathy For Critics Who Pigeonhole Her; Neko Case Tweets Sound Like New Album: The Harder I Fight

Neko Case Playboy Twitter Feud: Singer Neko Case was annoyed by a Playboy article. Neko doesn't see the music world with a male-female side to things, so Case took exception to a sexist tweet from Playboy this week.

Tim Grierson reviewed Case's new album "The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You?" for He gave the record a glowing review, writing "For three straight albums, singer-songwriter has crafted atmospheric, intelligent, incredibly emotional songs that have little interest in the simplistic male-female dynamic that exists in most music."

Then he started comparing Case with other women in music, writing "Other female songwriters, such as Fiona Apple and Lucinda Williams, have wrestled with the repercussions of rejecting the idea of being dependent on a man, often producing songs that are full of despair or anger. But Case's default emotion seems to be sympathy."

Neko Case had no sympathy for that. She took to Twitter to reminds Playboy that she is a musician, not just a woman in music.

 Neko told her Twitter followers: "Am I? I'M NOT A FUCKING 'WOMAN IN MUSIC,' I'M A FUCKING MUSICIAN IN MUSIC!" and then tweeting "DON'T PEGGY OLSEN ME, MOTHERFUCKERS."

 Neko Case is also apparently a fan of the AMC hit "Mad Men."

The Neko Case Twitter feud started when Playboy tweeted an article saying "Artist Neko Case is breaking the mold of what women in the music industry should be."
Well, the worse things get, the harder Case fights.

Neko Case is a musician. She didn't want Playboy readers to confuse that. The article was spotlighting Case's album, "The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You."

Case may watch "Mad Me," but she won't be pigeonholed into a character like Peggy Olsen. She is not the only woman who knows how to write ad copy for Sterling Cooper & Partners. She certainly isn't doing it to be like a man. 

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