2014 NBA Free Agency Rumors & Predictions: Kevin Love To Bulls Is Best Case Scenario For Both Teams! Draft Picks, Carlos Boozer, Jimmy Butler Allow Fresh Start For T-Wolves!

While we wait for the Finals, the 2014 NBA Free Agency Rumors & Predictions will be top draw on the NBA sites. The current King of the Rumor Mill is still Kevin Love, until he gets traded.

We've had trade proposals from the excited teams that want to acquire Kevin Love. The Lakers are offering the first round pick and not much else. The Golden State Warriors, being devoid of picks are reportedly offering an attractive trade package centered on David Lee (overpaid but expiring) and Harrison Barnes but they are hesitant on including Klay Thompson. The Houston Rockets are offering their poison pills (Omer Asik, Jeremy Lin).

Most of these pseudo-proposals came from the perspective of the team that wants Love. Has anyone considered what Minnesota would actually want?

From the most prominent Minnesota NBA blogger, Zach Harper he calls this Chicago Bulls package the best move (from ESPN):

"Bulls receive: Kevin Love 
Wolves receive: Carlos Boozer, Jimmy Butler, the rights to Nikola Mirotic, Ronnie Brewer, Nos. 16 and 19 picks in 2014 

Of the most realistic trade scenarios for the Wolves in unloading Love for assets, cap relief and picks, this is probably the best move they could make, unless Phoenix is willing to be bold. You could also swap out Boozer for Taj Gibson, but his long-term money isn't ideal for a rebuilding team. The Wolves could flip him to a contender later. The Bulls would be giving up a lot, but a big three of Joakim Noah, Love and Derrick Rose (assuming he's healthy) is an amazing way to battle whatever the Heat end up being after this season. "

Kevin Love claims he wants to make the playoffs-well, the Bulls haven't missed the playoffs since 2008 even though they spent the last two seasons with Rose not on the floor. They have someone who is arguably the best coach in the NBA not named Popovich and it is also a big market.

The myth about Minnesota is that they would not accept a package without Taj Gibson, a hard working power forward who could slide into Kevin Love's position, but Harper claims they don't actually want him.

Which is great for the Bulls because Gibson would provide great energy behind or even alongside Kevin Love. He is also one of Coach Thibs' favorites.

Carlos Boozer is an expiring contract, which means the T-Wolves can have cap space next season in another rich free agent class. The multiple draft picks and the rights to Nikola Mirotic-arguably the best in Europe now-can make T-wolves fans forget they had Love.

For the Bulls, they are surrendering a lot of assets but they will have this year's team intact except for Boozer and Butler. But in return, they will get a Top 10 player who is a beast on the glass. It will form a Big Three of their own with Noah and Rose 

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2014 NBA Free Agency Rumors & Predictions
