'Winds of Winter' Release Date Predicted With Statistical Analysis Of George R.R. Martin's Writing Speed: "Game Of Thrones" Author Actually One Of The Fastest Writers

For us those of us waiting with baited breath until George R.R. Martin will finish "Winds of Winter," there isn't a whole lot to do but wait. That's not true for these fans, who created a statistical model to figure out when "Winds of Winter" will be released.

There is still no official 'Winds of Winter' release date, but according to analysts, it will likely be released in 2017.

Five Thirty Eight's website said it will finish next August if Martin writes at 350 words daily. It will be done in February next year if he writes at 300 words a day; or October in case his daily writing average is only 250 words.

Five Thirty Eight calls their method of calculating the next 'A Song of Ice and Fire' book's release date "Martinology." The blog has received its reputation for statistical analysis and predictions on politics and baseball.

Five Thirty Eight makes use of the following George R.R. Martin's works for analysis: A Dance of Dragons 422,000 words, A Feast for Crows - 300,000 words, A Storm of Swords - 424,000 words, Clash of Kings - 326,000 words,  Game of Thrones - 298,000 words, Winds of Winter - 1,500 pages (estimate)

The only fact known about Winds of Winter is it has been 400 pages done, as of October 2012. Since then there has been no no news on his progress. Martin is thought to be a slow writer, but that may just be because we are all waiting on the edge of our seats for the next book, according to this graph the writer doesnt deserve his reputation

Martin is keeping pace with Rowling, and it could be argued his books are of higher quality. 

However, the statistical predictions do not assure a definite release date for Martin's book, and though they are good tries, they can end up signifying nothing.

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