Amanda Bynes' Parents Seek Conservatorship, Want To Extend Psych Hold--Daughter May Be Exhibiting Signs Of Schizophrenia

Amanda Bynes' parents are starting the conservatorship process for their troubled daughter.

Today Amanda Bynes' parents will tell a judge that the actress is in danger and possibly exhibiting signs of schizophrenia. Amanda Bynes set a fire and is currently in a psychiatric hospital on a 5150 hold, which they want to have extended so that she can be evaluated.

Amanda Bynes' parents want to take control over her daughter's life because they believe she may cause physical harm to herself and is in grave danger. They will ask the judge to grant them a temporary conservatorship.

Amanda's parents, Lynn Organ and Rick Bynes, have been wanting to take custody for months, but her behavior wasn't so far gone that a judge might grant it-conservatorship is a very complicated process, and the evidence has to be irrefutably towards its being necessary. Now, however, Amanda's behavior is enough that her parents are going to make an attempt to convince a judge.

In the hearing, Amanda Bynes' parents will attempt to prove that she may be harmful to herself or others.

A key piece of evidence in their argument will be the gasoline fire in Thousand Oaks, CA that Amanda set, which damaged a home, singed Amanda's clothes, and, most chillingly, involved her dog.

Amanda's parents will appear with their attorney, Tamar Arminak, to become her guardians. They must prove that Amanda cannot make good decisions for her physical health and needs-such as clothing and shelter-or financial judgments, and that she is a danger to herself or others due to her mental illness.

Amanda Bynes' parents must also prove that they can provide a stable home and that there are no alternatives to a conservatorship that are realistic. Sadly, that seems....well, pretty realistic.

We're not sure if Amanda will accept their help, though. People close to Amanda are reportedly convinced she is suffering from schizophrenia and that she's been exhibiting classic signs ever since she was taken into custody on Monday, and likely long before then.

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Amanda Bynes
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