Emma Stone And Andrew Garfield Dating: Are “The Amazing Spider-Man” Days Numbered For The Off-Screen Couple? Fate Of Gwen Stacy Lies In Hands Of The Director

Is "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" the last time we will see Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield on screen together as Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker?

Fans of the comic book know that Gwen Stacy's character plays two important roles: Peter Parker's first love, and her tragic death.

The first "Amazing Spider-Man" film showcased the relationship between Gwen and Peter, and so did not feature Gwen's death. However, MTV News reports that a photo of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" shows Emma Stone wearing the iconic green and purple outfit that comic-book Gwen wore when she fell from the George Washington Bridge to her death.

Does this mean the director will be forced to kill off Emma Stone's character, thus ending the big screen chemistry between Emma and her real-life boyfriend Andrew?

At the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con, director Marc Webb gave some clues indicating that fans may not have to worry about Emma leaving the franchise yet.

"There are parts of the canon we feel really obligated to," he told MTV News at the convention. "There are parts that we deviate from. The Gwen Stacy saga is a very important and powerful one, but Emma is an incredibly beguiling actress, and I like having her around."

Another clue is that Shailene Woodley was cast as Mary-Jane in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," which is Peter Parker's next love interest in the comic-book. However, Woodley's scenes were cut from the film, suggesting that Webb wanted to focus on developing the romance between Peter and Gwen.

There are also many films left in the franchise. According to MTV News, Sony Pictures announced the release dates of "The Amazing Spider-Man 3" and "The Amazing Spider-Man 4" last month, for June 2016 and May 2018.

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2" opens on May 2, 2014.

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