Mia Farrow Brother John Villers-Farrow Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse [VIDEO]; Star Suffers Fallout from Abuse Once Again; Wife Calls Victims "Vipers"

Mia Farrow brother John Villers-Farrow pleaded guilty to two counts of sexually abusing two young boys at his court hearing on Friday, all the while claiming he was innocent.

Villers-Farrow was accused of 39 counts of abusing two boys.  He will face up to 10 years in prison.  Sentencing is later this year.

Had he been found guilty on all 39 counts, he could have been sentenced to 50 years.  Villers Farrow said his guilty plea was the fastest way to serve time and get home to his wife, Sandra Hall

His plea allowed him to claim innocence while admitting that prosecutors had the evidence necessary to convict.

The first alleged victim moved near to Villers-Farrow's home when he was six-years-old, and came to know the family, whose son was a few years younger than him.

Allegedly, the victim spent a lot of time at the family's home and that Villers-Farrow would buy him gifts, take him to baseball games and on other trips.

Sandra Hall has called the two alleged victims "vipers".

Mia Farrow of course has experienced the pain of abuse in her family before.  Her ex-husband Woody Allen began a relationship with her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn while they were together.  Mia Farrow discovered naked photos of daughter Soon-Yi in Woody Allen's possession.  Woody Allen is now married to Soon-Yi. 

Villers-Farrow famously commented on the case involving his sister Mia Farrow, Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn, sayin: "[He's] going to be indicted, and he's going to be ruined. I think when all of it comes out, he's going to jail."

The victims of sexual abuse can experience physical and emotional problems that persist for years.  Researchers doing longitudinal studies of sexual abuse find that this group has higher rates of depression and obesity, according to NBC News.  Victims experience high levels of cortisol, a "fight-or-flight" hormone in early years, due to stress, but by the age of 15 their cortisol levels are below that of a control group.  Lower levels of cortisol mean impaired ability to deal with stress.

Watch Woody Allen Mia Farrow Video here:

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