Pressy Smartphone App Button Saves Users From Swiping: Takes Photos, Puts Phone On Silent, And Simplifies Android Tasks; Coming To iPhone Soon?

The Pressy is a new Android smartphone app that is a black rubber-tipped button that connects to Android phones through the headphone jack. The Pressy app button helps simplify tasks on an Android phone, and saves users from swiping.

According to, users who buy the Pressy button and download the accompanying app can skip navigating a touch screen in order to do three common features: the camera, silent mode, and the flashlight.

A short click toggles the flashlight. A long click toggles silent mode. Double click takes a photo, CNET reports. Pressy can also be customized to fit your needs. Other options for features include a voice recorder, checking into social media, toggling Wifi, and killing all running apps to save battery.

However, Pressy is a Kickstarter project, and requires potential buyers to pledge to pre-order Pressy for the Android smartphone, The Inquisitr reports.

Other options include different color buttons, keychains and t-shirts at varying contribution levels.

Pressy has already topped its $40,000 funding goal. It takes a $17 pledge to get your own Pressy. and a $20 pledge includes a keychain holder for when you need to unplug Pressy, CNET reports.

According to, the inventor of the Pressy is a 29-year-old Israeli industrial engineer and app developer named Nimrod Back, who on describes himself as a "gadget lover and a nice guy."

Though the Pressy smartphone button app is currently only available on the Android smartphone, Back says the team is in the process of developing a similar app that will be compatible with iOS, making them compatible with iPhone smartphones, reports.

Another cool feature of Pressy? When you need to use your headphone jack for actual headphones, you can pop Pressy out and use your headphone media button to activate Pressy's commands. 

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