John McCain Syria Hearing Poker Playing Scandal [VIDEO]: Senator, Former Presidential Candidate With iPhone Distraction During War Hearings; Lost Thousands Of Dollars

Senator John McCain was caught playing poker on his iPhone during an important Syria hearing to determine US involvement.  McCain was spotted by a journalist for the Washington Post who took a photo.

McCain attempted to respond to being caught playing poker during the Syria hearing on Twitter: "Scandal! Caught playing iPhone game at 3+ hour Senate hearing - worst of all I lost!"

He was interviewed on CNN after being caught playing poker during the Syria hearing, and said: "Occasionally I get a little bored."

McCain has come out strongly in favor of supporting US Involvement in Syria.

McCain said after her emerged from a closed-door meeting with Obama on Tuesday morning: "If the Congress were to reject a resolution like this, after the president of the United States has already committed to action, the consequences would be catastrophic, in that the credibility of this country with friends and adversaries alike would be shredded."

"And there would be not only implications for this president, but for future presidencies as well."

McCain is known not only for his time as Arizona Republican Senator, but also for his presidential run in 2008 in which he ran against the current president, Barack Obama.

Despite running against the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan, Obama's State Department headed by John Kerry is advocating US Involvement in Syria: "This is not the time for armchair isolationism," Kerry told the committee Tuesday. "This is not the time to be spectators to a slaughter . . . We have spoken up against unspeakable horror. Now we must stand up and act."

According to a poll, 6 in 10 Americans oppose US Involvement in Syria.

Watch John McCain Poker Playing Syria Hearing Video Here:

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