George Zimmerman Pulled Over For Speeding For Second Time Since Acquitted In Trayvon Martin Trial; Receives Ticket, $256 Fine, Apologizes To Police

George Zimmerman was stopped for speeding for the second time since he was acquitted of murder in July for shooting unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. George Zimmerman received a ticket and a fine.

According to Florida police, George Zimmerman was stopped and ticketed on Tuesday in the town of Lake Mary, Reuters reports. Zimmerman was driving 60 miles per hour in a 45 mph zone, Lake Mary police officer Zach Hudson said.

Zimmerman received a ticket, which came along with a $256 fine, and three violation points against his driver's license, Reuters reports.

"Sorry," Zimmerman told the officer who was wearing a body camera. The video was posted on Orlando NBC-affiliate WESH-TV.

According to UPI, the Lake Mary Police Department video shows Zimmerman being pulled over by an officer on a motorcycle. Zimmerman, now sporting a beard, was driving a Honda Ridgeline truck.

In the video, Zimmerman is unable to find the truck's registration during a search of his glove compartment, UPI reports.

Hudson said Zimmerman's behavior toward the officer was "very appropriate," Reuters reports.

Zimmerman's first speeding violation since his acquittal occurred two weeks after the Trayvon Martin trial ended. He was stopped in northern Texas on suspicion of speeding, and was let off with a warning to slow down, Reuters reports.

Zimmerman has a concealed weapon permit and told the Texas officer that he was carrying a gun in the glove compartment.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain in a gated community in nearby Sanford when he fatally shot Trayvon Martin. Prosecutors argued that Zimmerman profiled, pursued and confronted Martin, while Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self defense, according to Reuters.

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