Big Bang G-Dragon Praised by the New York Times, 'Leader of Style and Music'

The U.S. New York Times have put the spotlight on Big Bang G-Dragon's music and praised him for his new album.

The New York Times online edition revealed an article that talked about G-Dragon's fashion and music.

They stated that his new song, "Crooked" shows off his own style of music and that he truly is the leader of style.

They also agreed that G-Dragon is one to always express himself in many different ways and that this adds to his confidence and uniqueness.

It is a rare sight to see the New York Times to review an album that has not been released in the states.

It has already been 2 weeks since he has released his album and "Coup D'etat" has become a global issue.

Aside from the New York Times, COMPLEX magazine and FUSE TV have also spotlighted G-Dragon as well, proving his global popularity.

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New York Times
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