Obama Cares More About Surviving The First Lady? President's Reason For Quitting Smoking: 'I'm Scared Of My Wife' [Video]

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After President Barack Obama was caught carelessly talking about his wife when speaking off the cuff, it may be safe to say that the First Lady is the Commander and Chief's biggest fear.

During some side jargon at the U.N. General Assembly earlier this week, Obama was caught jokingly saying he quit smoking due to fearing his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama.

"I hope you quit smoking," Obama told U.N. Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai during a quick exchange, while admitting he still chews Nicorette gum. "No, no I haven't had a cigarette in probably six years," the President added. "That's because I'm scared of my wife."

Is this coming as a surprise to Mrs. Obama? In a 2012 interview with iVillage, she used the two daughters she shares with the president as the reason behind her husband putting an end to his smoking habit.

"I know that his ability to ultimately kick the habit because of the girls, because they're at the age now where you can't hide," she said. "I think that he didn't want to look his girls in the eye and tell them that they shouldn't do something that he was doing."

To listen to President Obama's offhanded joke, check out the video below.

world news
President Barack Obama
First Lady
Commander and Chief
Michelle Obama
UN General Assembly
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