Burger King "Satisfries" Rolled Out- But Are "Healthy" Fries Misleading, Ultimately More Unhealthy Than Regular Fries?

Burger King "Satisfries" have just been rolled out. Burger King touts Satisfries as a healthier alternative to traditional French fries-but are they?

Burger King "Satisfries" will have 40 percent less fat and 30 percent fewer calories. Burger King hopes it it will be a healthier alternative and improve the company's unhealthy reputation.

Satisfries, which have a coating designed to be less porous and absorb less oil, were in development for two years. You won't find mock Satisfries at McDonalds-- at least not anytime soon. McCain Foods, the developer, can't sell them to any other fast-food clients.

The product will have 30 percent less calories-however, that may not be enough to make much difference in the end. After all, a medium order of Satisfries is only 40 fewer calories and 5 fewer grams of fat than the medium-size fries at McDonald's. Sure, the Satisfries serving size is larger-but only slightly.

Thus, a nutritionist says, "People may consume more Satisfries because they believe they are healthier so they may end up eating even more than they would eat from a container of regular fries. 30% fewer calories, while helpful, isn't enough to make much of a difference in the long run if consumers end up eating the same amount."

In addition, the nutritionist points out that the mozzarella sticks that Burger King already serves have more protein-and less calories-than either the traditional fries or the new "healthy" Satisfries.

Still, the company hopes they will be a step in the right direction for consumers-or just 20 to 30 cents more profit a pop, which is how much more Satisfries will cost than regular fries.

What do you think? Are Satisfries a good alternative, or just marketing hype? Sound off below!

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