Elder Scrolls Online Release Date: PC Version Completely Different? User Feedback Rumored To Have Changed Gameplay

Maria Aliprando, Creature Combat Designer for The Elder Scrolls Online, revealed that Bethesda went back to the drawing board after fans started chiming in on gameplay and specs, GameZone.com reports.

"We weren't originally planning to do a first-person view," Aliprando told EuroGamer.  

"The first-person view actually came along from direct feedback. So, we absolutely read all of the feedback from all of the forums, especially the Bethesda forums." 

The developer also announced that first-person perspective, one of the game's core attributes, was removed because of technical issues. As a result, Bethesda was forced to alter its gameplay structure.

Bethesda aimed to appease gamers around the world complaining about first-person perspective within the game.

"Through the feedback, we were reinspired to go back and redo that first person [perspective]," the developer told EuroGamer.

"We had an old prototype that just wasn't working out, and what we have now is really what we're going with."

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