Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch: Wearable Device Not Worth Your Money Just Yet According To Reviews, Smartwatch Goes On Sale In U.S. This Week

Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch is expected to go on sale this week, to be offered by T-Mobile for $299.99, but according to some reviews, this is a wearable device that you might want to hold off from buying immediately.

“Galaxy Gear isn’t something most folks need. It’s not even something I wanted to keep on my wrist all day,” wrote Christina Bonnington of Wired.

"For the most part, the end result is too clunky and awkward for true appeal beyond being a brief conversation piece on your wrist. For now, the Gear remains $300 smartphone accessory."

The LA Time’s Salvador Rodriguez wrote that one of the problems with the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch is its limited to what types of notification it can display (the device will also just notify users of incoming calls and text messages) and is currently only compatible with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which T-Mobile just released.

Some tech reviewers have also been left unimpressed with the Samsung Galaxy Gear’s design. Vlad Savov of The Verge said that “it’s bulky, durable, and awkward enough to merit that title,” the title the writer is referring to is a “tank for your wrist.”

The battery life was also a concern to some, according to the LA Times. Some of the reviews noted that they were able to get about one day’s use from the device while others said they only got a handful of hours. USA Today’s Edward C. Baig noted that you’ll want to keep a charger with you when you buy the Samsung Galaxy Gear.

In a collation of reviews by the LA Times, it reported that the only positive review it could find about the Samsung Galaxy Gear is from ZDNet’s Matthew Miller, who hailed the device as a great step forward to wearable technology. He still noted, however, that the Samsung Galaxy Gear is not for everyone.

Matthew Miller wrote, according to the LA Times, that gadget freaks will appreciate the device, but he doesn’t think the Samsung Galaxy Gear “will appear broadly to all consumers.”

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